从2004年进入全球十大网赌正规平台开始, 追求 has trained over 300 student leaders to lead the pre-orientation program for up to 170 first-years during our August programs. Student Leaders will learn transferable leadership skills that will be developed over time including: decision making skills, 风险评估, 便利的技能, and how to effectively work in co-pairing all while welcoming our current incoming class. The student leadership team plays a critical role in the program’s delivery and success.


All leaders and logistics specialists accepted to the 追求 program participate in the following training and leadership experiences:

  1. 荒野急救训练(WFA)
  2. 五月-新指导员培训于毕业周举行
  3. August Leadership development training- held a week prior to 追求 programs
  4. 在8月份共同推动两个追求项目
  5. 追求 program debrief – held the day after all 追求 programs return to campus



追求 Leadership is currently accepting applications for all leadership positions, 包括指导员及培训师, 物流协调员, 教练, 物流岗位. 应用程序 for these positions are on a rolling basis from November – December for Trainer and Logistics Coordinator applications and December  – February, 2023年所有其他领导职位.

To apply for a leadership position please send your application to: (电子邮件保护)​ & 五胞胎森林
  1. 培训师职位描述
  2. 物流协调员/登山专员职位描述
  3. 教练
  4. 物流/登山专家





伊莉斯凯西 (她/她)
2025届毕业生,Elise是康涅狄格雅芳大学即将升入大三的学生. 她主修数学和音乐. Outside of 追求, Elise is captain of the frisbee team and a member of Chapel Singers.”I was a 追求 participant my first year and immediately fell in love with the program, 的人, 以及它提供的社区. 追求 is one of my favorite parts of Trinity and I could not imagine my experience here without it.”
科琳粗体 (她/她)
202届, 科琳是来自佛蒙特州诺斯菲尔德的一名即将升入高年级的学生. She is triple majoring in Neuroscience, Economics, and Urban Studies. 在校园, 科琳是冰球队的一员, 我在体育传播部工作, and is a student representative on Trinity’s 可持续性 Committee. 从大一开始, Corinne认为追求是, ”一个, 这不是我大学生活中最美好的部分. The program attracts the adventurous and creates such authentic relationships. 我非常感谢探索项目.” 
艾拉Campopiano (她/她)
2024届的同学们, Ella is a rising senior from Queensbury, New York. She is majoring in English and American Studies with a concentration in literature and minoring in Writing and Rhetoric. 在校园, Ella is a co-leader of Trinity’s Rock-Climbing club and works at the Queer Resource Center and Writing Center. Ella has helped the Recreation Department to plan and lead climbing trips for Trinity students to Rumney, NH和新河峡谷, WV. Ella has participated in 追求 since her freshman year is the Logistics coordinator. “追求 really helped me find a new appreciation for Trinity and the outdoors. The 追求 community is the most supportive and kind group of people, and I am so grateful to bookend my school years with such an amazing program.”
佩德罗·马特奥 (他/他)
Class of 2025, Pedro is a  rising junior from Immokalee, Florida. He is double majoring in Economics, Hispanic Studies and minoring in Chinese. 在校园里,他是田径赛的短跑运动员 & 现场小组, 财政援助办公室的学生助理, 全球十大网赌正规平台学生投资基金成员, 还是几个文化俱乐部的成员. (有色人种运动员联盟, La Voz Latina, Men of Color Alliance) Although he did not did not participate in a pre-orientation program, Pedro says he wanted to join 追求 because of “my appreciation of the outdoor community and opportunity to push myself past my discomfort. I wanted to be a mentor to first-years students and encourage people to take advantage of opportunities to grow. I love how supportive people are in 追求 and how everyone brings a unique trait or characteristic that adds to the diversity and inclusivity of 追求.”
Dimosthenis Sampatakos (他/他)
2024届的同学们, Dimos是希腊塞萨洛尼基的一名大三学生. His major is Biology, and he is minoring in Formal Organizations and French. Dimos参与了校内体育运动, 协助学校的研究工作, 他还参加攀岩等俱乐部运动. He will also be a first year mentor for the Interdisciplinary Science first year gateway program next year. 尽管他大一的时候并没有参加追求, he knew he really wanted to be in a 追求 leadership position because of its great community and the opportunities it provides. “我喜欢成为任务领袖的想法, 因为社区成员之间的紧密联系. I really wanted to help incoming first-year students with their transition to college while also introducing them to the 追求 community.”
杰伊·皮克林 (他/他)
2025届毕业生,杰伊·皮克林是马萨诸塞州伍斯特的一名大二学生. He is majoring in Public Policy with a concentration in Environmental Policy and minors in Environmental Science and Italian Studies. 课外活动, 杰是模拟审判小组的一员, 橄榄球队, 并参与了希腊生活. He participated in 追求 as a freshman and knew then that he wanted to be a leader. “我的领导鼓励我拓展业务,尝试新事物. It is because of them that I am so involved around campus and I wish to provide those same opportunities for incoming students.”
Kathleen Casey (她/她)
2025届毕业生,凯瑟琳是康涅狄格州埃文市的大二学生. 她主修环境科学和音乐. Kathleen is involved in club frisbee, accapella, and greek life. Kathleen did 追求 her freshmen year and immediately knew she wanted to be involved in the 追求 community for her whole time at Trinity. “追求 is truly a special place on campus where you can deeply connect with people from all across campus. The bonds I made on the trail and with 的人 in the 追求 community as a whole were truly extraordinary and stayed with my all throughout my freshmen year and beyond. I wanted to help foster a welcoming atmosphere and sense of community to the incoming freshmen in their transition to Trinity as well as help them create lasting relationships.”


By combining engineering, urban studies, and a vision for helping the public good, Joseph Orosco, Jr. ’19 is working to uncover new ways to make life in cities affordable and sustainable.